brai-nure [bray-noor]
(n.) manure from my brain.
as in, crap I see and think about and stuff.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Themeless Thursday. Blah.
You turds tired of hearing me bitch about not having a/c?
Yeah, me too.
So here's a picture of our bananas from a few years ago. I just found it on an old thumb drive.
The above comment was from Ink. I am just here to ask why you must torment me so. Also, do they taste like real store bananas or are they ornamental only?
holy crapamoli !!!
I love this blog, and the name is brilliant. I'm now a follower.
thanks, JMT - checkin' out your blog too. YAY BAY COVE!
The above comment was from Ink. I am just here to ask why you must torment me so. Also, do they taste like real store bananas or are they ornamental only?
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