Sunday, March 14, 2010


for realz.
My fucking head hurts.

So the past week - since the Brits came in and we went to the Murphys show, its really been non-stop. Tuesday night was the only night we didn't drive out to their hotel to do something.
Monday we saw Alice in Wonderland in wonderful eye-popping 3D IMAX (I liked it a lot more than I thought I was going to since I've never been big into the Alice story even though there's drugs and monsters and heads being chopped off. shocking right?).
Tuesday - as I said, "off"
Wednesday, we walked down to the Alehouse that was close to their hotel and then over to the Bahama Breeze. Just drinks and dinner.
Thursday - we braved the rains and went down to Universal CityWalk. They charge friggin' $3 just to park after 6. When the hell did that start? The place was absolutely DEAD. Steve's a big motorhead race guy so we thought we'd take him to Nascar Cafe for dinner. Only they weren't open for dinner. Just appetizers and beer at the upstairs bar. So we ordered some onion rings and a thing of taquitos. You get like 9 onion rings and 5 taquitos when you order food down there and for some reason I always forget that. So I ate 1 of each and was drinking rum and diets (about 4 all night). The guy at the bar was talking to us like we were asking him for too much until we figured out that was just the way he talked. We asked him to break a $50 for us and he was like, "For what, video games? you go..." and he flipped us 2 black plastic cards that gave us free games all friggin' night. We played until about 2a.m. Steve and Matt were on the DDR, we played a bunch of shooting games, and shot some pool. It was a ton o' fun. Then we went to Cigarz cuz Steve likes to smoke. They didn't want to serve Kim because she didn't have her passport on her as ID. She's in her 40s. So we started to raise some hell and the bartender ended up giving us a free round. After the day they'd had (Kim finding out her mum was going in for hip-replacement, etc) they just really needed to drink.
It was about 3a.m.when we dropped them back at their hotel and I was like, "I'm still hungry - there's a McD's!!" so a qtr pounding I did go.
We got home and went to sleep and I woke up at about 6a.m. puking my guts out - and again at about 8. Then came the glands swelling, chills and fevers, and the headache that was positively trying to kill me. All of this I was chalking up to the McD and late night - but then I had been coughing since about Weds and don't remember swollen glands or fevers being part of a hangover. And I very rarely get hangovers anyway.
I was in bed ALL day Friday with a party honoring The Balls happening Friday night. Matthew was a sweet boy and got the house ready and kept me rehydrating with water and gatorade. I slowly made my way outta bed and started pickin' up and since we were sacrificing our bed for the good of The Balls, changed the sickly sheets and such.
During the party, I've never had a worse time putting forth the effort of trying to have a good time. My mother came over and kept touching my face and told me to go to bed - that the party was over for me.
At about 10pm, I made my way to the couch upstairs and listened to the party happening below me.
That's the worst feeling ever. To not be included in a party you're hosting and having to listen to everyone having a good time without you.
My mom came in and chatted with me for an hour or so and kept asking me if I wanted her to give me an alcohol rub down and blow on me to cool me off to break the fever (like she used to do when I was a kid). She also kept pulling the 2 blankets off me and told me to get out of my sweatshirt - that I needed to freeze my ass off and be completely uncomforatable which would, in turn, make me angry, in order to bring my temp down and break it.
Bleh. "Just keep talking to me, mom - oh look, Anna's coming in to talk too" the two of them were with me for a while.
As soon as they left, I fell asleep.
Saturday morning we woke up and I took Kim to Target to do some shopping for her kids and grandkid and then we went to watch the England v Scotland rugby game (most boring match we've ever watched) and then drove over to celebrate a 1 year old's birthday for about an hour. On the way back home, Kim realized their holiday was halfway over. The week had gone by so friggin' fast.
When we got back home, I slept for about 2 hours.
Apparently, Matt, Steve, & Kim all fell asleep downstairs as well.
So, Matt took them back to the hotel and we got our bed back and I stayed in that....
pretty much all night and through to present time.
Mom says I got sick because we were doing too much partying and jamming so much into one week.
So, I'm trying to get better so we can jam some more stuff into this coming week.

1 comment:

Willie said...

I say you're just building up your tolerance to party and jam even harder next time.