Here's a shot of Ben Templesmith & a Big Dork.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a snap of Ben McCool (who was totally McCool...ha! see what I did there? nerd.) but I did get a short video clip of what the shop looked like while we were in there (later post). Here's the cover of the new book they were releasing/signing.
I'll scan some of my signings for a later post.
Let me back up a bit. A few months ago, I gave Brian all my Templesmith books to read, so on Monday, I reminded him that I needed them back so I could get them signed. He obliged but once receiving, there was one missing. Not just one....but The One. #1 of Wormwood. Sadness came over me but then I shrugged that shit off and looked down at the stack I had for him to sign wondering if I was gonna be That Fangirl.
So, when we pulled up to A Comic Shop, Matt offered, "How about we go check things out first and we can come back out to get these?"
Sounded good so we headed in and were greeted with smiles and a loudly buzzing, brightly colored comic shop.
I was almost paralyzed by over stimulation, but was quickly directed towards the free beer.
Of which I took no part of since I kicked the beer habit about a month ago to focus on there being less of me. I did, however, have a flask full of root beer vodka in my pocket.
Templesmith and McCool were busy signing and had some presigned copies of "Choker" at the keg table. Jeremy & I flipped through the ones that McCool had signed with amusing quips and picked about 4 of our favorites.
Then the 4 of us just started wandering around looking at everything and talking about our favorite books of late and which ones had penises in them and which ones had cool blood & guts, etc.
It got pretty stuffy in there, so I took a moment to run outside, get rid of my jacket, and grab my books.
There were about 7 total. 8 if I'd had my Wormwood #1.
When I came back in carrying my stack, the fella at the door was like, " you'll need to go over to the girl with the clipboard to help you out..." and pointed in her & Templesmith's direction.
I am That Fangirl.
Ben looked at my books and started signing - asking my name & if I wanted them personalized and/or with doodles, & which was my favorite - to which I replied, "Wormwood!" which made him happy (since he's the artist AND the writer on that one). I also explained that his art was the reason I noticed and bought up the 30 Days of Night series. He got to the hard copy of Fell and started to sign and I said that copy was my husband's and he asked if it should be personalized, and I yelled for Matt, who didn't hear me, so Ben wrote, "To Matt you deaf bastard..."
and then said, "You've got quite a bit, thank helped me feed my cat and pay my rent...."
After he signed them all, I ran my stack back out to my car so I could continue to wander around the store and talk to people. Matt was in sports talks with both Bens at one point while Anna, Jeremy, and I were harassing people coming in and out of the bathroom.
Then I get a text from Brian saying that he found Wormwood #1 and was on his way to bring it. How friggin' awesome is that?!?
So I got THAT signed too!!
I am currently, the VERY proud owner of a collection of Templesmith signed books.
And this friggin' smile won't go away....
I'm such a nerd.
OH! And guess who else we saw there?
THIS guy!!
He walked by and Jeremy, Anna, & I were like, "That's the suspension kid!" (Matt was still talking to McCool about sports and shit).
The Suspension Kid turned around and looked at me so I walked up and said, "Hey, you're The Suspension Kid!". He blinked a few times and smiled and Anna & Jeremy walked up - followed by Matt- and we started talking about how he wasn't able to keep his hooks, and about some other body mutilation stuff that happened after we left the inkfest, and about tattoos, and he said his name was Daniel (although, he said he liked being called The Suspension Kid better) and that he's studying at UCF to be an anthropologist (not military as previously speculated). Thinking about it now, I don't think we gave our own names/intros because of all the crap we were talking about. I did get his email so that he could see his pictures. His buddy was there with him, the same one who, at the inkfest said, "Hey, will you email me these photos?" Which I did, which went unreplied to.
1 comment:
so you stopped drinking beer?
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