Thursday, November 17, 2011

TT - Airport Pals

Remember when we were coming back from Boston and had delays and met these fine folks at the airport bar?

Oh, sorry - you might not remember cuz I only posted their pic on the book of face.
Anyway - here they are* as mentioned at the end of that post from September.

While we chatted at that airport bar, we found out that he (left), Tom, was a home brewer.  We discussed how fruit brews were complicated because the pectin turns the mash into sort of a jelly when temperatures rise.  We told him about the different pumpkin ales we've tried and which ones we liked best, etc.
As we were talking, you could see his wheels turning.
When it was time for us to part ways, we quickly traded contact info so they could let us know if he took a turn down the pumpkin path and how it went.

A couple weeks ago, Matthew received an email from she (right), Tracie, saying that Tom made a pretty good pumpkin ale because of us and they wanted to send us some samples.
The shipment came in while we were in the Keys.
We haven't tried the 3 flavors they sent us yet & probably won't be able to until next week but will post the taste test.


*Thank you, Willie for the pic tweak.

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