Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Confession - Junk & Stuff

Remember these guys?
They used to look like this:

A week ago, the one on the right looked like this:

Now, they look like this.  The one on the left being not as impressive.  Once again, nature proves that the big ones aren't always the ones to impress us.  Its ok to root for the little guy.  haha....root....get it?

I think once the leaves show up, you're supposed to plant it in a pot or in the ground or something.  I should do that this week, maybe.

Here are some Halloween decorations we have up.

This is what Jason looks like from inside our upstairs hallway during the day:

And this is what he looks like at night from the outside looking up from the sidewalk:

And here's what our sunset looked like on Saturday night:


Broken Barn Industries said...

Awesome decorations! We don't even get trick or treaters around here :(

Unknown said...

we don't get trick'r'treaters either. this is just for us. :)