Foot percussion+banjo=LOVE
These guys recently did an Unplugged on Palladia and it was really cool to see how into their music they get, all sweaty and red-faced and shit. How those people in the audience remained seated during the show was absolutely beyond me. Watching the banjo player make sweet love while he was playing was definitely a highlight. That boy's got some rhythm. Damn.
Drunk Karen says, "if you're hungover on a Sunday morning, this is the record to listen to to help with recovery."
Enjoy your Friday, turds.
Have 1 or 5 for me!! :)
ps. for those of you not as webbernets savvy, and I think I've said this before, but just in case....You can right click on a link and open in a new window/tab so you don't have to leave this page. That's how you listen to the song and still read the blog, big dummies.
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