Sunday, July 20, 2008

Comfy Sunday Night

Just got back from seeing The Dark Knight. It kicked ass.
I want to see it again cuz I know my head was foggy and I missed a buncha stuff at the beginning.
I miss Heath Ledger.
Damn shame.
That was the BEST 2Face ever and the creepy climaxing sound effect that went along with whatever chaotic crap Joker was doing was AWESOME!!
I still love Tony Stark so far for superhero movies this year.
This is the first time I've had Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey.
Damn this shit is good.
Instead of Zombie Prom this year we're doing Superhero Happy Hour. We haven't decided what bar the happy hour will be at but we thought it would be funny to have everyone dressed as super heroes/villians who were in character and taking the night off from crime and fighting it. The challenge is to stay in character. The other challenge is to get kicked out for a bar brawl between hero and villain.
Yeah - haha - bonus.
That will fucking rule.

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