I haven't been posting on here much recently.
My attentions and creative inspirations are currently focused elsewhere.
Getting ready for Christmas and trying to get the rest of the Craft It Forwards done before the year ends.
I just haven't had too much to say here.
I will admit that I'm in a constant internal battle with the things that I would really like to write here but haven't because it puts too much out there.
Things that would open me up & make me vulnerable.
Also, I think some of the ideas I've had for things to post kinda make me sound like an emo ass.
Here's an example:
A while back I posted a crappy photo of a piece that took me about 2 yrs to finish.
BBI & my friend, Martha, asked some questions about it and I was going to do a little diddy explaining the whole thing, but then realized that it was turning into somewhat of a therapy session.
How much of that type of shit do I really want to put out there?
I'm just not sure of how real to keep this or what you'd all care to hear.
Maybe I need to go back to just keeping up with this blog as something for myself instead of considering you turds all the time.
Most days it feels like no one's reading this anyway.
I mean, seriously.....The top 2 most hit Brainure posts are:
1. How To Make A Pillory (or Stockade)
2. For The Person Who Has Everything But Can't Breed
If that tells you anything.
So why do I blog?
Because I enjoy sharing things with you & hope that you also enjoy these little peeks into my noggin.
It makes me happy that I can bring my friends with me on vacations & crap via my phone, laptop, or ipad. Its like you turds are with me all the time, no matter what part of the country/world we are.
Also, I figure when I'm a million years old, alone, and senile, I can look back on these with fond memories.
Blarf....I'm over-thinking again, aren't I?
I should just keep in mind the name of this thing and post everything that goes though my head with wreckless abandon.
Its not like I'll be running for president someday.
I thought blogs are supposed to be what you want to write--who cares what others think--and if it becomes your theraphy session--so be it--maybe you needed to vent! Never know-it may help someone else. I love traveling with you and seeing what ur up too- keep up the good work..
Are you kidding, I get soooo excited when I get notified of a new Brainure post..I am sorry I don't write comments often but I do enjoy them so. You make it as personal as you want and maybe you have a separate emo one? XXXOOOO
I appreciated your art way more knowing what each element meant. And I love tinkering around in that complicated, beautiful noggin of yours or I wouldn't read your blog in the first place. My vote is to keep it "Karen" and not worry about us adoring turds. ...Or if you decide you want to limit your audience, can't you manage your account settings for who sees your Brainure posts on FB ?
thanks you guys - appreciate your feedback.
its more of me needing to nut up & not worry about what happens once the crap is out there.
definitely not about limiting the audience.
I'm just being a weenie & need to get the fuck over it. ;)
Yeah!!! Don't worry about us turds!! Chances are we have those same emo-type things going on through our heads too sometimes. You're just awesome enough to actually admit it.
I heart your freaking guts!!!!
It is tough to say you blog for yourself, but not keep your audience in mind. We are a fickle bunch of turds. I read your blog because of your sincerity. You stay true to yourself and your emotions, and that is greatly respected in an age where, through an avatar, anyone can be anything they desire, for good or ill. Keep being Karen/Dusty/Muselyn and let the chips fall where they may. Be true, be you, doll.
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