Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Confession - Craftin' dat shit Forward

Earlier this year, there was a facebook thing to "craft it forward" or some crap.
The first 5 people to comment on it and repost the thingy as their status, you handmake something for. It can be anything. As long as you made it.
I don't remember who all was on my list, but I'm pretty sure it was these folks:

2. Willie
3. May Hayes
5. Um. Yeah. Still don't recall.

So, without further ado, the first one on the list.

Anna Maiya was over last weekend and noticed that I have this hanging on one of our walls:

Upon seeing it, Anna said, "I used to have that same one. And then it broke."
So, I made her a new one....

With glitter & bling. Although, the glitter is difficult to see here.

They're besties.

One down. Only 3 left...unless I can remember who the 5th was.
If you leave a comment on this one, you can have their spot.


Broken Barn Industries said...

If I get the spot, does that mean I have to make five things too? I don't make things. I grow things. Well, I do make a nice mixed drink, currently called The Angry Gardener...

Unknown said...

Only if you wanted to. There aren't any terms or conditions to agree to.