Friday, January 21, 2011

Detox Day 5

This experiment has been kinda boring to post about.
So I haven't.

Here's an example of what I eat during the day.....everyday....for the past 5 so far:

Breakfast: oatmeal & blueberries
MidMorning: apple or hard boiled egg white
Lunch: grilled fish & steamed or raw veggies - sometimes with brown rice
Mid Afternoon: apple or carrot sticks
Dinner: grilled fish & steamed or raw veggies
3-3.5litres of water throughout the day.

See? Boring.

The first day was the toughest. I was focused on it all day to the point where it was distracting and frustrating. I packed a bunch of food with me but not anything of any real substance and by 5:00pm I was whooped.
So, lesson learned - lunches should be grilled fish, brown rice, & veg instead of just the can of tuna & raw veg I had that day.
I poo'ed like 4 times the 2nd day.
Progressively less since then.
The 3rd day there was an interesting digestive track rumble that sounded like a toilet flushing and moved the whole left side of my torso including my elbow leaning against while typing.
I just gave you a demonstration, but you can't see it.

Going out to eat wasn't too bad. Went out with mom to Jeremiah's in Mt. Dora & ordered grilled mahi and some veg. Just had to be sure they didn't drop a thing of butter on the veggies or cook with it.

Overall - I feel damn good and only get little brief cravings that don't last very long.

I told you this stuff was boring.

ANYWAY - I took the day off today to tackle this rubble of a room:

What a friggin' mess.
Went to IKEA last night to help reorganize things in there.
Right, then.
Off we go.

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