Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We Went To Hawaii Pt 1.

We were in Hawaii last week.
I wrote in my book with the intention of writing more while we were there, but this is the only page to currently exist.
Hawaii Trip

Its about 20 to 2pm & we're at LAX on a 3 hr layover in SkyClub.
I saw Pierce Brosnan.
He looked just like Pierce Brosnan.
And this woman behind me almost puked red wine on herself and is now drunkely speaking to her husband & has farted at least 3 times.
Matthew is napping through all the excitement.
He told me to let him sleep for 30 mins.
Its going on 45 mins.
We've seen some Olympiads come through.
They were all hot Aussies.
Another hour to go before our 1st class flight to Honolulu.
Been a long day.  Up at 4a.m. this morning and we'll get there at like 2a.m. our time.

The drunk farter just got up for another glass of wine.  Should prove to be an interesting hour.

OK so it wasn't an hour.
'bout 20 mins.
They just left and she staggered a lot, almost landing in someone's lap.
She had a sweatshirt tied around her waist.
I think she sharted.
Shortly after this 1 existing page was written, I got up to whizzz and grab another rum & coke zero.**
While walking to the bathroom (which is exactly how I also caught a glimpse of Pierce), I saw The Situation walk in with a small entourage.
Later, Matthew would tell me that Mr. Sitch had been wearing a GTL shirt.
Stay classy, LAX.

*: wasn't 02.12.2012 s'posta be magic or some shit?  I think most days are s'posta be some magical shit anymore.

**: of which, I got ON LOCK!!  I totally made some Bacardi & Coke Zero my BITCH!

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