Monday, January 30, 2012

The Kills @ HOB

These 2 were at House of Blues Sunday night.
Allison changed her hair color - now its a bleached out pinkish.  She looked like Animal when she danced/played.
I love how spastic their movements are when the music's got'em.
Their percussionists had glow in the dark drumsticks and looked like robots.  I didn't get any pictures of them cuz they were around the corner from where we were standing by the bar.  Plus, my phone pics usually suck.
Everyone had skinny jeans on.  Out of the 500ish people that were there - I'd say a good 3/4 were in skinny jeans.
Matthew was wearing his kilt.  I didn't see anyone else wearing one.
The merch stand was fantastic!  They rolled up our shirts with the poster we bought into a triangular tube so nothin' got messed up.
Fans blew up and started tossin' around black balloons for when they played "Black Balloon".  That was fun.
They saved my jam for the encore.  Made me happy.
They also did "Fuck The People" towards the end, cuz everyone who comes through HOB at Disney has to throw a finger up at the machine at some point during the show.  Its a requirement now.

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