Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Resolution Schmesolution

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions. They're such -to quote Mary Poppins- "pie crust" promises. Easily made, easily broken. Who's ever really stuck with theirs? I'm sure you might be able to name one or two folks, but I probably don't know them so it doesn't count.
Normally, I tell myself quietly in my head that I'm gonna do something grand for the year, or even make a few short term goals. That way I only have pressure coming from me to accomplish my goals. Which can sometimes be worse than pressure coming from other people. Although, there is facing the disappointment coming from your closest friends when you fail or when you're as fickle and change your mind as often as I do. This year, at one point, I was supposed to quit my job and go get my massage therapist license.
I have done neither.
This leads my friends to shrug and say things like, "That's Karen....". I'm still not sure what that means. I know I'm me. Is that to be an insult? Using my first name to chalk up my bad habits? If they were to say, "Man, I really pulled a Karen last night...." I know that means they got completely shitfaced and puked. I guess I'm ok with that.

So here are my plans for 2009:

1. Create. Anything and everything. Something every day. Writings, paintings, drawrings, sewings (since I got a lovely new sewing machine for Xmas).....
2. Calm my head with good workouts. It really is amazing how good you feel after a decent gym trip. Keep track of workouts and food intake via www.caloriecount.about.com (thanks, Anna!)
3. Set aside [more] money on a regular basis. I do this already - but can always do more.
4. SO I CAN TRAVEL MORE!! Already have a trip booked to go to NYC in January. We'll be going to Chicago in May. Alaska in July. That's 3 so far - have the rest of the year to fill up!!
5. Go to the beach more often when its nice out. I live in FL - I should take advantage of only being within an hour of the ocean. Besides its good brainstorming time that will help with #1.

I really think that about covers it.
Attainable goals. Nothing unrealistic.
Here's to 2009!!!

1 comment:

Willie said...

I almost pulled a Karen last night. ;-)

All of your goals seem pretty attainable to me. Happy New Year hon, and I hope you achieve everything you set your heart to.