Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008 in a Nutshell

January - Crowne Plaza party on the 15th floor for New Year's Eve. during which Martha, Jess, & Casey made a toast to get knocked up. some folks got bathroom busted. there were panties on a lamp, and pressed meat on elevator glass - and I don't remember going to bed. We went to Kobe Steakhouse for Chad's birthday where we were grilled by Yoshi and his endless sake bombs. My hair was black.
February - full of Rockband nights. I think I hardly left the house for 4 weekends in a row due to band practice. Cavernous Ass swept the charts. I tiled a bathroom. We had a superbowl party. My hair went to a burgundy color.
March - For St. Patrick's Day we had a movie night at Chadstal's with the sheet screen/projector on the deck and watched Boondock Saints. had our first camping trip in Blue Springs for one night. Matt got attacked by a manatee. Went through first degree Reiki. Served my first jury duty. heh...doodie.
April - went to Vegas for a week on company dime. where I rec'd an award and a raise. sweet. had Mick & Laureen in town to hang out with us. My hair was a reddish brownish color.
May - saw "Wicked" with my mom. went camping with the folks for Mother's Day. Had a work trip to Philly. Went to NYC with Pannacakes and got rowdy for 3 days. saw "Chicago" there and visited the Museum of Sex. Went paintballing and to Odin's Den for my 30th. Didn't go skydiving.
June - Spent 4 glorious days with the crew in Clearwater. One of the best weekends ever. Joined Toastmasters. Fish died. Went to Universal Studios and got drenched. Had to buy cookie pants. Decided to go to a lighter reddish blonde hair color.
July - 4th of July on Chadstal's lake. went to Warped Tour with Licia sorta last minute like. had a kick ass day. hosted the Summer Bomb-Altamonte Gladiators - during which I busted my coccyx & Willie jacked his shoulder -and after which Casey & John got with kid. Got new fish.
August - work trip to Philly. gave my first Toastmasters speech. redid April's bedroom. went to Aquatica. got my Macbook. Hair was SUPER copper red.
September - had our guest bathroom remodeled. went through 2nd degree Reiki class. saw Henry Rollins. found out Tom & Martha are breeding. got my 8th tattoo. Hair color was like a honey brown.
October - trip to Green Bay for m.i.l.'s birthday for Packers/Colts game. found out Jess & Clint are with spawn. (making it 3 for 3 on their 2008 resolution). went to Halloween Horror Nights. made a panda head. dressed up like a vampire. scared small children. discovered I had a good blood-curdling scream.
November - went to the NKOTB show with Licia and acted like 12yr olds (who were allowed to drink beer). voted. watched Jason do the Chicken Dance at The WillowTree. finally DID something with my macbook. surprised Matt for his birthday with a surprise bar night. went camping for 2 nights at Tomoka State. spent a week in Scottsdale, AZ with the in-laws for Thanksgiving. got hit up to become the Prez of our Toastmasters club. Went back to black hair. Black is good.
December - saw "Avenue Q" with Matt. went to the Jags/Packers game in Jacksonville, where I magically won an autographed football in a raffle. got new floors and baseboards upstairs. bought a fake white tree. hosted Christmuhannukwaanzaakuh Margarita Jam. spent Xmas with the family and had an absolutely wonderful time. spent a night in Siesta Key with friends and then an evening of great food, drink, conversation with the crew and Jacquie's wonderful family. jumped on their trampoline. Hair is still black.


Willie said...

Looks like a wonderful year filled with fun memories and hair color changes. My shoulder is still jacked from the Gladiator bash.

Hope you have a safe and Happy New Year. 2009 I plan to leave a scorched earth in my wake! verification word is 'dicrooff'.

Willie said...

Hahahaha. I forgot all about your coccyx. I just winced reliving it. Hope it's all betta.

Time for me to start gettin' my drank on!