Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas, Everyone

Writing this from my last opened Christmas present.
Matthew gave me an iPad.
He also got me an enzian membership and a wheezywaiter shirt & numerous other things.
Receiving these encouraged an emotional outlet which overflowed and created tears.
(If any of you are that curious as to why this erupted from my face in the form of saltwater drops, please feel free to ask. I'll spare you the details here.)

Also received:
Awesome socks, new camera lens and remote, wasteland books, new sirens & walking dead books, and random other things.
All of, it I love.
Matthew was also very happy with his new skinny ties, underoos, socks, shirts, books, Dexter board game, etc....

It has definitely been a Christmas for the books.
We have a ton of food here if anyone wants to drop by.
The door is open. :)

If you don't make it, pictures will be posted later.
Taken with my new lens :)

Best Christmas Ever!!

1 comment:

Willie said...

Yay Christmas happiness!!!