Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2012 KM Photo Project #2 (heh...number 2)

Happy Leap Year Day!!
Nothin' like putting things off til the very last day of the month.
Because you can and because it just so happens there is, actually, one more day.
How fucking awesome is THAT?!

Remember last month?
Yeah, me neither.

This month we decided to grab some inspiration from the movies.
Without further ado, here are our Cult Classic photo pix.

Dr. Marth-n-Furter

Klockwork Karen

Martha's Comments:  A black wig and an adams apple would've made this photo. It's not easy pretending to be a guy pretending to be a girl.

Karen's Comments: Why did I keep putting this off? And I didn't sweat as much!  I am still envious of Martha's eyebrows.


Willie said...

You two seriously are the coolest!

Anonymous said...


Tracy said...

this is sick! (awesome sick)